Driving through the District can be frustrating (wait, 17th is Connecticut? I can't drive in this lane before 9:30am? I can't park here ever?). Still, It's worth it. The Monuments, White House, Capital, all in plain view. Helicoptors circling overhead. Six consecutive Suburbans zooming down Pennsylvania. Flags waving, signaling embassies. Distinguished gentlemen shuffling down Maryland Ave. Cruising Constitution, waving to TJ, crossing the Potomac, I can't help but feel like I'm somewhere. Monday 9am, Saxby's Coffee on 35th and O. Pouring out, and there's a fire going in here, so I hold down my table by the window, watch Georgetown kids hustle by under umbrellas, and catch up on DC's layout / history for a few hours before meeting friends for lunch on 17th (Connecticut). After lunch, The Newseum, an impressive space paying homage to the world's journalists, photographers, and newsmen who bring the world's events to its people. We learn this can be arduous, indeed dangerous, work. The whole museum is compelling (including sections of the Berlin Wall, WTC 1), but when I walked into the Pulitzer Photo exhibit, time sorta stopped. Next time you're in the District, check it out. Around 7pm, rain stops, alas. Chris and I hit the street and jog from Iwo Jima to Memorial Bridge to Lincoln Memorial to Kennedy Center to Georgetown to Key Bridge. Either I'm a hell of a runner, or these things just happen to be kinda bunched together (the latter). Dinner with Chris and Tyler on the edge of Foggy Bottom / DuPont, so we're near a few hotels that might suit a diplomat or a delegate. Looking around, it seems we're surrounded the by educated doers of the world, the people who are making things happen. If I feel like I'm somewhere, it's because I am.