It is Tuesday in Phoenix. This is familiar territory for me, having spent my first 18 years here and countless weekends since.
Arizona is beautiful, it really is. Purple mountains, long views, perpetual sunshine, the occasional cloud. Every building has either been built or re-stuccoed in the last five years. People have money, and hybrids, and vacation homes, and spare time.
Which is why today, at 2pm (Tuesday remember) I could not for the life of me find parking at the Scottsdale Mall. If this fact is any indication, the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the war, the flailing dollar, etc etc etc.... have not yet hit the pocketbooks of Phoenicians. Or perhaps they have, but so resilient are we in our habits, that our consumption continues despite them? I am a little concerned about this, it seems reckless to buy a pair of shoes in these uncertain times, let alone a Bentley (saw several as I parked). But as I stroll into Nordstrom, intent on doing some serious damage (forgive me, but I am for the moment cash rich and clothing poor) I am feeling rather patriotic.
The local high schools appear to have adjourned, and every non-athlete, non-thespian, non-musician in this town has decided to come to the mall today. Couple things about these kids, they are trendy (skinny jeans, ties, torsos) and they like pretzles. Line at PretzelTime is 20 deep (2:30. Tuesday). Astonishing. Elsewhere in the mall, I see people buying Louis Vuitton loafers, trying on polarized Maui Jims, making custom teddy bears. What economic crisis?
Later, I go to the Diamondbacks Dodgers game with Mom and Dad. In the first inning, I wait in line for 10 minutes to buy a $9 beer, and feel like a chump for doing so, but then repeat the process two more times. But the game is a genuine good time... I see some familiar faces, talk a little trash to Joe Torre, high-five a peanut vendor, and catch up with Mom and Dad. We talk throughout the game in excited tones about next week and next year, about friends and travel, about Denzel Washington and Bruce Springsteen. We laugh a lot.
Sure, we're concerned for our country and our well-being. Yes, we know what's going on. We've just chosen not to dwell on it too much. Whether or not this is the right approach, it certainly made for a pleasant evening under the Arizona stars.
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